Concerts, theatre performances and meetings organized by the Parish of Santa Maria Assunta
Musical events
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Sat 6 Apr
Tue 3 Sep
Different places
Rich calendar of cultural events in Bibione also in 2024 in the large billboard of “Bibione guarda all’Avvenire 2024 – XVIII Edition” (=Bibione looks to the future): the Parish of Santa Maria Assunta in Bibione offers concerts, theatrical performances and meetings at various places in the seaside resort with a single Leitmotiv, “Tra cielo e mare” (=between sky and sea).
Here is the calendar of all musical events, at the Parish Church starting at 9.15 pm (unless otherwise specified):
Saturday, 6th April at 8:30 pm – Organ concert with M° Maarten Wilmink (Netherlands), in the frame of the XI International Organ Festival “Città di Bibione”
from Monday, the 13th to Friday, the 17th May – XI International Organ Competition “Rino Benedet”
Tuesday, 14th May at 8:30 pm – Opening Concert of the Competition with M° Vladimir Kopec (Slovakia)
Friday, 17th May at 8:30 – Final test and award ceremony of the Competition
Tuesday, 25th June – Organ concert with M° Pietro Vescovi (Parma), in the frame of the XI International Organ Festival “Città di Bibione”
Tuesday, 2ndJuly – Concert “Lions Club Bibione” with the choir and orchestra “Città di Portogruaro”, conductor M° Tommaso Dionis
Tuesday, 23rd July – Concert “Lions Club Bibione” with the Choir Foraboschi of Palazzolo dello Stella (Ud), conductor M° Roberto De Nicolò; playing organ, M° Daniele Toffolo.
Tuesday, 13th August – Organ concert with M° Wladyslaw Szymadski (Poland), in the frame of the XI International Organ Festival “Città di Bibione”
Wednesday, 21st August – Concert “Lions Club Bibione”, organized in the frame of the 42nd edition of the International Music Festival of Portogruaro
Tuesday, 3rd September – Organ concert with M° Federico Vallini (Rome), in the frame of the XI International Organ Festival “Città di Bibione”
These are instead the theatrical performances, at the Parish Church starting at 9.15 pm:
Saturday, 29th June – “Dio creò il cielo e la terra… ed un pezzo di legno” (=God created the heaven and the earth… and a piece of wood) with the group Controcorrente
Monday, 15th July – “Giuseppe Moscati – il medico dei poveri” (=Giuseppe Moscati – the doctor of the poor), musical with the theatre company Lo Specchio di Francesco
Tuesday, 30th July – “I fioretti di San Francesco” (=the small sacrifices of San Francesco), with the company AIRCAC
Tuesday, 27th August – “In nome della Madre” (=in the name of the Mother), theatrical performance with the company Teatro Minimo
The animated masses on the beach in front of the Villaggio Turistico Internazionale / Spa (Via delle Colonie) at 9 pm, with the Choir “The Colours of Gospel”:
Sunday, 23rd June
Sunday, 21st July
Sunday, 18th August.
The meetings with the witness, at the Parish Church starting at 9.15 pm (unless otherwise specified):
Wednesday, 10th July, park of the Parish Church – “XVIII Festa di Avvenire e de Il Popolo. Cielo e mare: vi illumino l’immenso” (=sky and sea: I illuminate the immense for you), with the astronaut Paolo Nespoli. The evening will be opened by the Director of Avvenire Marco Girardo and the Director of Il Popolo Simonetta Venturin. The evening is conducted by Lucia Bellaspiga
Wednesday, 17th July – IX Premio “Luigi Padovese”, with S.E. Mons. Giuseppe Pasotto, Apostolic Administrator of the Caucasus of the Latins (Georgia)
Wednesday, 24th July – meeting with the author: “Bibione guarda il cielo” (=Bibione looks at the sky). Don Andrea Vena presents its new editorial releases in Bibione.
Wednesday, 7th August, Piazza Treviso – “Bibione e il mare. Il Mediterraneo: storia, economia, culture e popoli. Bellezza e drammi del nostro mare” (=Bibione and the sea. The Mediterranean: history, economy, cultures and peoples. Beauty and dramas of our sea), with dott. Valerio Landri, director of Caritas in Agrigento-Lampedusa.
Wednesday, 19 July – “Fraternity… in the lands of persecution VII Luigi Padovese Prize”, with S.E. Ilario Antoniazzi, Archbishop of Tunisi
Wednesday, 9 August – “Fraternità… con chi? Tutti!” (=Fraternity… with whom? Everyone!), with Bishop Domenico Pompili, Bishop of Verona and President of the CEI Commission for Culture and Social Communications.